Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eating Healthy On The Go

I haven't been posting many interesting recipes lately, because it's starting to be that time of year when I travel a lot.  That means, meals on the go -- eating in my car, at a table in Whole Foods or in a hotel room.  Healthy eating while traveling takes a lot of creativity and planning ahead.  Most times I make sure to stock up on Larabars, Lundberg Rice Cakes, and Tofurkey Jurky.  I also plan on stopping at grocery stores (Whole Foods preferably) for fresh veggies and fruit.

Last week, I did eat a lot of salads from Wholes Foods and on one day -- a lunch of Korean banchan from an Asian Supermarket.  Not too bad!  My evening snack of chips and salsa doesn't sound that healthy, but the chips were at least organic, whole grain, and salsa is just vegetables right?

I always miss making my own meals, but I guess I could do worse than Whole Foods and Asian Supermarkets.

As always, stay tuned for more delicious meals to come!  I'm on a soup kick, so this weekend I'll conquer a French soup I can't even pronounce but looks delicious.

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